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For all cryptonians
Trade on the fastest Exchange in the world.

X-Hive is a new generation exchange platform with original consensus algorithm.

Create Account

Our Aim

The decentralized exchange with centralized benefits. Bringing all cryptonians a safe,
secure and fastest environment to trade any pair of crypto to crypto easily.

High Transaction Speed speed
Block generation time 0.2 seconds
X-Hive allows up to 40 million TPS,
making us the fastest DEX in the world
high security security
Unseen multi-layered security protocols
protects the exchange against cyber
crime - internally and externally
high pairs pairs
X-Hive allows any cryptocurrency
on any blockchain to be paird up
and traded for all cryptonians
hybrid hybrid
Decentralized - Assets are managed and
controlled by each user
Centralized - Support is provided for users
like traditional centralized exchanges
support service
Multi-lingual support is available in
English, Chinese and Japanese 24/7
regardless of your location

Beta wallet and exchange
platform has started!

Download our wallet and
start trading now!


The brand new consensus-building algorithm Proof of Rounds (PoR)

PoR solves current challenges of existing protocols including: block time, transaction speed, and scalability, while maintaining fairness, zero-downtime and anti-counterfeit measures.


Register Open


Beta Launch


IEO Open


Official Open

PoR has 3 unique characteristics

  • cube listdots
    Approval of transactions by permutations
  • cube listdots
    Optimization of processes by assigning roles using a node hierarchy
  • cube listdots
    Construction of a unique network that distributes information efficiently

These unique methodologies together build an ultra high speed and safe network structure.


Register Open


Beta Launch


IEO Open


Official Open
How to register?

1. Click "Create Account"
2. Click on register
3. Enter your name
4. Enter email address
5. Set a password
6. Check the box under Terms and Conditions
7. You will receive a confirmation email
8. Open the confirmation email, and click “Verify My Email Address” to complete your registration
Are there any age limits?
18 years old and above
Forgot password?
Go to Login pageAbove. Above the "LOG IN" tab, there will be the "Forgot your password" tab. Enter your email address and click "SEND." You will then receive an email to reset your password.
Cannnot log in?
1. Please make sure that you’ve entered the correct email address and password
2. If you still have trouble logging in, please try to reset the password
3. If you still cannot log in, please contact Support Center.
I haven't received the confirmation email.
Make sure that is whitelisted in your email domain settings. Occasionally, email service providers block incoming emails from certain domains by default. In addition, check your spam folder as well as for any typo in the email address you have entered. If the above methods do not resolve this issue, please contact our Support Center.
When does the beta version start?
We are planning on releasing the beta in March 2019.
What is the referral code?
Once you have completed your registration, you can confirm your own referral link at "Referral Program" under "My Account". Please use your referral link to invite your friends!
What is the referral program?
As Campaign, we will reward the referrer of a new account with reward up to 20% of the trading fee from the new account holder introduced.